Crude Oil: Repeating 1973-1980

In theory, all indications show that based on growth of the Federal Reserve’s M1 money supply and Consumer Price Index, it appears the U.S. will repeat a 1973-1980 inflationary cycle.

In April 1973 a barrel of oil was $3.56 and the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $0.39. By April 1980 a barrel of oil was $39.50 and the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $1.19. As of April 5, 2022 overnight trading for a barrel of oil was in the range of $104.08 and the average price of a gallon of gasoline at the pump was $4.16.

Following inflation rates for 1973-1980 this would mean, in theory that the U.S. Dollar would decline in value to the point where a barrel of oil would cost $1,154 and a gallon of gasoline would be $12.69 by April 2029. This appears to be one reason why there is a dramatic push for electric vehicles and the end of gasoline powered car sales in states such as Washington by 2030.
