Economy: Inflation vs M2

Since 1943, it appears the M2 money supply has been a leading indicator for inflation. When the M2 yearly growth rate moved above 13%, there was a three to four year delay before inflation moved up within 1.1% of, or above, the M2 growth rate.

M2 Monty Supply Growth vs. Inflation Chart
Source: Longtermtrends

  M2 yearly growth rate Subsequent Inflation rate
1 December 31, 1943 – 17.46% February 28, 1947 – 19.67%
2 June 30, 1971 – 13.44% November 30, 1974 – 12.34%
3 January 31, 1976 -13.81% February 28, 1980 – 14.76%
4 January 31, 2021 – 26.89% 25+% as early as 2024?
