Interest Rates: July 2007

On July 1, 2024 it was noted that bond traders were preparing for a stock market decline. It still appears that a stock market decline is expected based on the following.

  1. The 10-Yr note rate decline starting in April 2024 is following the June – July 2007 decline with a 44.4 degree slope. (shown below)
  2. Futures trader’s 10-Yr Note Non-Commercial trades are still setup for a decline in rates. (shown below)
  3. Interest rates remain relatively high causing significant loan losses for regional and mid-sized banks.
  4. The number of banks on chart 13 of the FDIC problem list increased from 52 in fourth quarter of 2023 to 63 in first quarter 2024.
  5. The Dow is still following the 2021 structure time frame.

It looks like the Federal Reserve is following a path similar to 2007. On Friday, August 17, 2007, the Federal Reserve dropped the discount rate one half of a percentage point due to concerns about the subprime lending crisis. A FOMC meeting is scheduled for July 30-31, 2024 with no rate cut expected. A drop in the discount rate in August due to a “lending crisis” would provide a path for a significant market decline in 2025.

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