Crude Oil: Long Term Accumulation Continues

On July 23, 2023 it was noted that crude oil was under accumulation. Additional futures trading data from crude oil and related natural gas market calculations indicate crude oil is in a long term accumulation period. Crude oil is also in a similar position to where it was in November 2016. Note that as of 12:00 p.m. on December 6, 2023 WTIC dropped below 69.50 and fell within the accumulation channel noted below.

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Crude Oil: Under Accumulation

Engrbytrade™ intramarket energy derivative futures trading data calculations indicate crude oil is under accumulation. Calculations also show crude oil is currently in a structural position similar to where it was on March 31, 2020.  Additional data will be needed from a move similar to what occurred between April 2020 and November 2020 in order to calculate a longer term peak.

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Crude Oil: Deflationary Decline

Based on Dow futures spread data noted on December 18, 2022, and current December 2022 intermarket Crude Oil futures trading data aligning with data from December 2019, a deflationary decline is expected during the first quarter of 2023. This decline should be similar to what occurred during the last quarter of 2008.


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Crude Oil: 12 Point Structure

Since April 2020 Crude Oil has developed a 12 point structure (shown below) that is similar to what was developed between January 2007 and February 2008 due to the $2 Trillion Cares Act that was signed on March 27, 2020. Two years and 3 months after the Cares Act was signed inflation pushed the Consumer Price Index 12-month percentage change up to 9.1% in June 2022. Crude Oil is expected to continue moving higher as it did in 2008 due the next wave of inflation in 2023 caused by the $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan that was signed on March 11, 2021.

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$WTIC 2020 – 2022

WTIC 2007 – 2008


Crude Oil: Descending Triangle

Intermarket futures trading data calculations indicate oil will change direction with a move down that is expected to be similar to what occurred between August and December of 2014. The chart shown above illustrates a descending triangle that has formed this year with oil starting to move below its support line. As the US Dollar continues to rise, it is having an impact on commodities and currencies such as silver, Canadian Dollar, and Swiss Franc shown below.

Charts courtesy of


Crude Oil: January 2008

Structural calculations and daily engrbytrade™ crude oil calculations indicate a move to higher levels is still expected to be similar to what is shown in the following chart. It has been observed that significant investments by corporations are occurring during the same time period that engrbytrade™ calculations indicate a move upward. At this point it is unknown if large corporations are trying to capitalize on an expected rise in crude oil prices due to limited production rates, Government funded carbon capture programs, or other factors.


Chart courtesy of

Crude Oil: Repeating 1973-1980

In theory, all indications show that based on growth of the Federal Reserve’s M1 money supply and Consumer Price Index, it appears the U.S. will repeat a 1973-1980 inflationary cycle.

In April 1973 a barrel of oil was $3.56 and the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $0.39. By April 1980 a barrel of oil was $39.50 and the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $1.19. As of April 5, 2022 overnight trading for a barrel of oil was in the range of $104.08 and the average price of a gallon of gasoline at the pump was $4.16.

Following inflation rates for 1973-1980 this would mean, in theory that the U.S. Dollar would decline in value to the point where a barrel of oil would cost $1,154 and a gallon of gasoline would be $12.69 by April 2029. This appears to be one reason why there is a dramatic push for electric vehicles and the end of gasoline powered car sales in states such as Washington by 2030.


Crude Oil: 2008 Update

Additional structural and intermarket futures trading data calculations show Crude Oil (WTI) is still in the process of repeating 2008 and is expected to move to 159.76 (+/- 1%).

March 2, 2022 OPEC meeting ends after just 10 minutes, plans to stay course on oil production

26th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting concludes

Saudi Arabia Crude Oil production
