Gold/Silver: 2024 Q3 Precious Metal Contracts

On December 12, 2024, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Quarterly Report on Bank Trading Activity and Derivatives Activities.  Figure 17 on PDF page 42 shows notional amounts of precious metals contracts held by Insured U.S. Commercial Banks and Savings Associations. These institutions continue to move into precious metals contracts.

Note that beginning January 1, 2022 the largest banks are required to calculate their derivative exposure amount for regulatory capital purposes using the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR). Under SA-CCR gold derivatives are considered precious metals derivative contracts rather than an exchange rate derivative contract, resulting in an increase in reported precious metals derivative contracts compared with prior quarters. Refer to the call report instructions and OCC Bulletin 2020-7, “Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk: Final Rule, “for additional information on the SA-CCR exposure calculation.


Silver: Relative Value

On October 14, 2024 it was noted that “Engrbytrade™ daily and weekly silver calculations are currently not indicating consistent readings where a significant decline would be expected”. These calculations were based silver bullion and U.S. Dollar values. Additional research indicates the relative value of silver to the U.S. Dollar is provided through their derivatives, SLV and UUP. Calculations for the relative value chart below indicates silver is undervalued and in a position similar to where it was on July 2, 2010.

Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.

Silver charts courtesy of


Silver: Psychological Gamesmanship

Unlike gold, Engrbytrade™ daily and weekly silver calculations are currently not indicating consistent readings where a significant decline would be expected. There are current structural changes related to 2007. The charts below indicate silver is following a path similar to that of late 2007. What would be expected is a change in silver derivatives that reflect a move to the $40 mark in silver. In 2007 it was the $20 mark where investors were lured as Market Makers sold their inventory to the public. What followed was a sharp decline going into 2008.

Market Makers are once again working on the investor’s anticipation of higher prices in order to sell their inventory to the public. This time it would be expected to see a level of $40 in silver before a decline begins in 2025. This type of psychological gamesmanship is explained in Richard Ney’s book, “Making it in the Market”.

Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.

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Gold: 2024 Q2 Derivative Contracts

On September 24, 2024, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Quarterly Report on Bank Trading Activity and Derivatives Activities.  Figure 18 on PDF page 42 shows precious metals derivative contracts held by Insured U.S. Commercial Banks and Savings Associations. The banks continue to move into precious metals contracts.

Note that beginning January 1, 2022 the largest banks were required to calculate their derivative exposure amount for regulatory capital purposes using the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR). Gold derivatives were considered precious metals derivative contracts rather than an exchange rate derivative contract, resulting in an increase in reported precious metals derivative contracts compared.

Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.


Gold: To Go Parabolic

On July 10, 2024 it was noted that the current gold pattern was similar to that of the late 1970s. After four years of economic stimulus packages gold will move higher. The reason for this rise was explained in the Silver Ascending Triangle article posted on December 24, 2022. This move upward is expected to go parabolic, as it did in 1979.


Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.

Charts courtesy of


2020 – 2024

1975 – 1979


Silver: Upward Direction Confirmation

On August 10, 2024 futures trading data calculations indicated traders expect silver to move significantly higher, just as it did in 2010. On August 12, 2024 daily Engrbytrade™ silver derivative calculations provided an upward direction confirmation of futures trader expectations. The following chart indicates silver is on a path that is similar to what occurred in 2010.


Silver: BRICS Development Bank

On August 15, 1971 Richard Nixon announced the suspension of converting dollars into gold or other reserve assets. This event was followed by silver prices moving higher between 1971 and 1974.

On June 6, 1974 the Saudi Petrodollar Memorandum of Conversation was issued. This initiated the process of Saudi Arabia investing proceeds of oil sales into U.S. Treasury’s. It also provided the U.S with a global reserve currency. The price of silver continued to rise as Economic Recovery and Bailout Packages continued to grow exponentially.

Forty years later a select group of countries signed the BRICS Development Bank Treaty in July, 2014. This bank will simplify settlement and lending among BRICS countries and reduce the dependence on U.S. Dollars and Euros for trade. It will also start a long term trend of Dollars moving back to the U.S. as countries around the world conduct trade with their own currencies. The price of silver is expected to move higher over the long term as this process continues.

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S&P500/Silver: 1973 Structures

On April 17, 2024, a pull back within silver’s ascending triangle was expected. Silver did pull back into May and then continued to move higher. This move is consistent with the 1971 – 1973 silver structure shown below. As silver started to move higher in 1973, the S&P hit its peak on January 11, 1973 and started a decline the following day.  The current 2024 structures are expected to continue on a path that is similar to the 1973 structures.

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1971 – 1973

2021 – 2024

Silver: Computer Program Selling

On March 30, 2024 it was noted that confirmation was needed in silver before it could move higher. A review of daily Engrbytrade™ calculations currently indicate a pullback within silver’s long term ascending triangle is planned. Similar pullback signals occurred on August 10, 2020 and February 1, 2021. Since April 3, 2024, computer program selling of very large block trades in derivative products, such as SLV, has increased. The long term move upward from silver’s ascending triangle is still expected.

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Silver: Distribution Trades

On March 7, 2024 it was noted that a confirmation move above silver’s ascending triangle was needed before both metals are expected to move higher. The chart below illustrates a technique used by Market Makers to distribute their inventory to retail investors. Prior to the move up in April 2024, short term computer algorithms were initiated by Market Makers to accumulate inventory. A move upward was then made for distribution trades between April 2, 2024 and April 3, 2024. Silver is still expected to stay within its ascending triangle based on the need to fill a futures market gap created on March 1, 2024 at 11:05 a.m.

“If specialists want investors to buy stock, they simply raise stock prices sharply. This creates demand. If they want to cause massive selling, they drop prices precipitously. It is merely a problem in engineering.”
Richard Ney, Making it in the Market, 1975, page 85

Note that the chart shown below is for research purposes only and is not a recommendation.

Stock chart courtesy of


Silver: Ascending Triangle Position

On March 7, 2024 an ascending triangle was provided for silver and gold. This noted the need for confirmation in silver before moving significantly higher. In addition to this, the following charts provide a perspective on silver’s current ascending triangle position compared to 1973. An initial move similar to what occurred in the first quarter of 1974 is expected. Economic reasons for this move are outlined on the December 24, 2023 post.

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Gold: Silver Confirmation Move

On December 22, 2023 it was noted that daily Engrbytrade™ Gold/U.S Dollar derivative calculations moved quickly in a direction confirming gold was nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure that is similar to what was developed during 2008 and 2009. On February 18, 2024 it was noted that Engrbytrade™ Silver/U.S Dollar derivative calculations were moving in a direction confirming silver is nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure.

What is needed at this point is a silver confirmation move above its ascending triangle before both metals are expected to continue moving significantly higher.

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Silver: Upward Trend

On September 6, 2022, Engrbytrade™ weekly intermarket futures trading data calculations provided results indicating a change in direction. This was followed by silver’s upward trend.

On December 24, 2023, it was noted that daily Engrbytrade™ Silver/U.S Dollar derivative calculations were moving in a direction that confirmed silver is nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure.  This is similar to what occurred between 2008 and 2010.

Silver is expected to move though its ascending triangle, but another signal would provide confirmation that an upward trend will continue.

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Gold: Banks Precious Metals

On December 13, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Quarterly Report on Bank Trading Activity and Derivatives Activities. The chart on page 42 of this report provides Notional Amounts of Precious Metal Contracts by Maturity related to insured U.S. Commercial Banks and Savings Institutions. Starting in 2022 banks dramatically increased their exposure to precious metals. A recent article written by Willem Middelkoop from the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum provides some perspective on central banks and the revival of gold.

This move into precious metals by the banks aligns with data and chart structures discussed in the following Engrbytrade™ posts.

Gold: Long Term Ascending Triangle

Silver: Ascending Triangle


Silver: Ascending Triangle

Since the U.S. went off a gold standard in August 1971 economic recovery and bail out packages have grown at an exponential rate. Between 1970 and 1972 a total of $54 billion in economic related funding bills were approved. Between 2020 and 2022 a total of $7.59 trillion in congressional bailout and economic rescue plans were approved. This does not include annual government budget funding that continues to raise the national debt.

It has been observed that silver charts develop within an ascending triangle either during, or within a year after each of the periods listed below. For example, after the 2008 and 2009 bailout packages were approved an ascending triangle formed, as show in the second chart below. After moving through this triangle, silver quickly moved up to the $49 range by April 2011.

Once again, numerous bailouts and rescue packages were approved by Congress between 2020 and 2022. At this point a silver chart structure is developing within an ascending triangle that it is on course to be completed in the first quarter of 2024. A quick move up in silver during 2024 is expected to be similar to what occurred during 1974 and 2011.

Note that daily Engrbytrade™ Silver/U.S Dollar derivative calculations are moving quickly in a direction that confirms silver is nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure and is similar to what was developed during 2008 and 2009.

U.S. Economic Recovery and Bailout Packages

1970 – 1972
$15 billion Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 signed on August 15, 1970
$2.25 billion Emergency Employment Act of 1971, signed on July 12, 1971
$15.8 billion Revenue Act of 1971, signed on December 10, 1971
$21 billion Education Amendments of 1972 signed on July 23, 1972
Total = $54 billion

1974 – 1979
$11.9 billion Housing and Community Development Act signed on August 22, 1974
$23 billion Tax Reduction act of 1975 signed on March 29, 1975
$56 billion Health Education and Welfare Programs (majority approval by Congress) September 30, 1976
$20 billion Economic Stimulus Appropriations Act of 1977 signed on May 13, 1977
$18.7 billion Revenue Act of 1978 signed on November 9, 1978
Total = $129 billion

2008 – 2009
$700 billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 signed October 3, 2008
$787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 signed February 17, 2009
Total = 1.487 trillion

2020 – 2022
$2 trillion Cares Act was signed on March 27, 2020.
$1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was signed on March 11, 2021.
$1 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was signed on November 15, 2021.
$2.2 trillion Build Back Better Act was signed on August 16, 2021.
$750 billion Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was signed on August 16, 2022.
Total = $7.85 trillion = 5.28 times larger than the 2009 and 2009 bills noted above.

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Silver: 2023 Relative Value

On July 24, 2023 it was noted that British Pound Commercial Futures Trader expectations would impact the price of silver. Since that time the average relative value of silver derivatives have moved into a position of being “Extremely Undervalued”.  The following chart provides a representative average relative value of silver derivatives vs. the U.S. Dollar. Calculations are adjusted as the average trend line changes. The current position of this relative value provides an expectation that silver should move higher over the next several months.


Silver: Declining Trend

Since 2014 Engrbytrade™ futures trading data calculations have shown British Pound Commercial Futures Trader expectations oscillating to the point where they eventually impact the price of silver. The peak of each oscillation in these contracts (shown with dark arrows) occurred on July 1, 2014, August 16, 2016, March 14, 2017, April 17, 2018, August 6, 2019, March 2, 2021 and most recently on July 18, 2023. After each Commercial Futures Trader oscillation peak, silver ultimately moved in the direction of a declining trend. The peak of silver’s relative value against the Pound, as measured by Engrbytrade™ Non-Commercial Trader’s expectation calculations, are shown with red arrows.

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Silver: 2023 vs 2019

Based on weekly Engrbytrade™ intermarket futures trading data calculations, silver is in the process of repeating chart structures developed between 2017 and 2019, as shown below. The result of this structural development indicates a sharp decline is expected in 2023 that is similar to what occurred during the first quarter of 2020.

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Dow/Silver: Dow vs Silver 2008 – 2023

It should be noted that the collapse in 2023 is expected to be significantly worse than 2008. Bear Stearns failed in March of 2008, Indy Mac failed in July 2008 with the majority of institutions failing in September 2008. In March 2023 alone, several institutions have already failed, received a bailout, or are in the process of merging. This is an ominous sign of things to come. Few remember that during the last half of 2008 when the financial system was collapsing, institutions and traders were selling precious metals to cover their losses. The charts below show a comparison between 2008 and 2023 for the Dow and Silver.


Bear Stearns – March 16, 2008
Indy Mac, F.S.B, Pasadena, CA – July 11, 2008
Fanny Mae – September 6, 2008
Freddy Mac – September 6, 2008
Merrill Lynch & Co. – September 14, 2008
Lehman Brothers – September 15, 2008
AIG – September 16, 2008
WaMu – September 25, 2008


Silvergate Capital – March 8, 2023 – shut down
Silicon Valley Bank – March 10, 2023 – bankrupt
Signature Bank – March 10, 2023 – failed
First Republic – March 17, 2023 – bailout rescue package
Credit Suisse – March 19, 2023 – Merger with UBS

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