Silver: Two Year Timeline

Regardless of political affiliation, each response to an economic slowdown results in the development and passage of a bill that will provide funds needed to assist the economy. As the size and scope of each bill continues to grow over time one side effect after two years from the passage of this type of bill is a price increase in silver. The following list is an example of what happens approximately two years after a major economic stimulus, recovery, growth, or rescue plan is passed and signed into law.

  1. On December 10, 1971 Richard Nixon signed the $15 billion Revenue Act of 1971. Two years later silver started a move upward from $3.05 on December 13, 1973 to $6.49 on February 27, 1974.
  2. On May 13, 1977 Jimmy Carter signed the $20.1 billion Economic Stimulus Appropriations Act of 1977. Two years later, silver started a move on May 11, 1979 from $8.35 to a high of $42.29 on January 24, 1980.
  3. On June 7, 2001 George W. Bush signed the $1.3 trillion Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001. Two years later, silver started a move on June 11, 2003 from $4.48 to a high of $8.45 on April 2, 2004.
  4. On February 13, 2008 George W. Bush signed the $152 billion Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. Two years later, silver started a move on February 8, 2010 from $15 to $30.68 on January 3, 2011.
  5. On February 17, 2009 Barack Obama signed the $831 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Two years later silver started a move on January 25, 2011 from $26.86 to a high of $49.80 on April 25, 2011.
  6. On March 11, 2021 Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. It is expected that starting two years later (March 2023) silver will initiate another significant move to higher levels.
