Dow: October 2022

The global economic collapse is accelerating as the U.S. moves into its final month of FY22. The following short list provides some perspective of how unstable the world has become.

  1. Russia continues to invade Ukraine.
  2. Foreign capital is being transferred to the U.S. due to negative interest rates in Europe and the war in Ukraine.
  3. Foreign investors continue to buy U.S. real estate, stocks and bonds.
  4. The Fed continues to print Dollars and send them overseas.
  5. Currently, there is no alternative to the Dollar.
  6. The Biden admin destroyed energy markets.
  7. European pension funds are broke due to requirements forcing them to invest in Government bonds.
  8. China is converting to a War economy.

This instability will ramp up quickly in September as the Fed continues to raise interest rates while European industries and stock markets collapse, and international problems surrounding Taiwan and the South China Sea increase. A sharp decline in the stock markets is expected to start in late September and continue going into October and November 2022. Engrbytrade structural calculation updates indicate the Dow can fall to 15,908 (+/- 4%).

June 1, 2022 warning from Jamie Dimon
Jamie Dimon Says Get Ready for an Economic ‘Hurricane’

