On February 21, 2022 it was noted that U.S. Dollar intermarket futures trading data calculations indicated currency traders were expected to move from currencies such as the Australian Dollar and Canadian Dollar into the U.S. Dollar. The pace of this move has accelerated with declines in the Swiss Franc, Euro, British Pound, and Japanese Yen. Based on intermarket futures trading data calculations and structural calculations the U.S. Dollar is expected to move up to 110.80 by November 2022.
U.S. Dollar: Currency Moves
U.S. Dollar intermarket futures trading data calculations indicate currency traders are expected to move from the Australian Dollar and Canadian Dollar into the U.S. Dollar in a way that is similar to what occurred between December 4, 2018 and December 24, 2018. Since the Dow and S&P500 are expected to move lower this month, steady selling of very large blocks of stock will drive interest rates lower.
U.S. Dollar: Moving Higher
With daily engrbytrade™ gold calculations indicating a sharp decline is coming, this will be a result of the U.S. Dollar moving higher. The U.S. Dollar move will also cause intermarket products such as crude oil, 10-Yr Note rate, 30-Yr Note rate, bitcoin, silver, euro, and British Pound to decline, as they did in August 2018.
Dollar: Moving Higher
Based on Daily engrbytrade™ Gold calculations, intermarket futures trading data for gold, and Dollar futures trading data, the Dollar is expected to continue moving higher during the first quarter of 2022.
Dollar: Year End
As noted on August 1, 2021, futures trading data calculations indicated a rise in the US Dollar during the remainder of 2021. This rise is expected to continue going into the end of 2021.
US Dollar: 2021 Move Upward
Charts courtesy of StockCharts.com
The US Dollar chart structure developed between June 2007 and July 2008 is similar to the chart structure developed between June 2020 and July 2021. Results from futures trading data calculations for the US Dollar are in alignment with calculations from August 2008, indicating a rise in the US Dollar is expected during the remainder of 2021. This rise in the US Dollar would be similar to the move upward between August 2008 and December 2008. A rise in the US Dollar is also in alignment with an expected decline in the Dow later this year.
Dollar: Moving Higher
In the March 1, 2021 post it was noted that calculations indicate global currencies, such as the Australian Dollar, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Euro are expected to retest their previous 2020 lows by early 2023 as the U.S. Dollar moves higher. On April 5, 2021 Goldman Sachs finally closed its recommendation for shorting the dollar.