Gold vs Liquidity

Following a truncated peak in the Dow, futures trading data and gold model structures currently indicate metals prices are expected to move higher this year. Calculations now show gold moving to 1498 (+/-1%) by September 26, 2019 (+/-1 trading day) before moving higher. Preliminary calculations show a gold price in the range of 1675 by December 20, 2019 as the Fed continues to add liquidity. This move will occur in an environment where currencies, such as the Australian Dollar and British Pound are in decline, and copper exhibits a structure that presents the beginning of a long term move to significantly higher levels.


Gold and Silver Peak

Commercial Traders data and structural computer models indicate plans are in place to initiate a decline in Gold and Silver over the next several months. This decline is part of a structure where the metals are expected to follow stock markets to lower levels with gold and silver reaching 1247 and 14.95 respectively by April 2020. This will setup the metals for a continuation of their long-term move to significantly higher levels over the next several years.

Gold and Silver Update

Commercial traders are positioning for a decline during the remaining months of 2019 with a rapid rise in the price of gold to a peak of $1510.13 on August 7, 2019. This coming decline is expected to move the price of gold down to $1250 before continuing its long term move upward. The Dow’s decline will also affect silver. A move down to the $14.00 range for a very brief time during the stock market decline would be expected.

Future of Gold

Gold is currently on track for a long-term climb to higher prices in the coming years. The current engrbytrade Gold model indicates a price of $1600 (+/-1%) is expected by the end of 2019. Overall, Commercial Futures Traders Gold Short Positions have been in a down trend since 2010, and an average annual increase of 22% per year in the price of gold is expected for the next several years. The Federal Reserve has full control over the price of this element and will manipulate the price as needed to meet their inflationary target of 2% per year. It is not the prospect of wealth with gold that one should be overly concerned with, but one should focus on the need for a hedge against a dramatic price increase in goods and services over the next several years as the Federal Reserve ultimately exceeds their inflationary expectations.