Gold/Dollar: Deflationary Forces

On October 12, 2024 three Non-Commercial gold futures trading points (1, 2, and 3) were identified in the following chart. What followed was a deflationary period where gold declined and the U.S. Dollar moved higher between 2011 and 2015.

Non-Commercial gold futures trader positions are currently in the process of completing a 2016 to 2024 three point trading sequence (Points 4, 5 and 6). What is expected to follow over the next four years are lower gold prices and an increasing value of the Dollar. This will be due to deflationary forces, which are not yet visible. It is expected to occur between 2025 and 2029. This also aligns with what was discussed on November 23, 2024.

Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.


Gold/Silver: 2024 Q3 Precious Metal Contracts

On December 12, 2024, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Quarterly Report on Bank Trading Activity and Derivatives Activities.  Figure 17 on PDF page 42 shows notional amounts of precious metals contracts held by Insured U.S. Commercial Banks and Savings Associations. These institutions continue to move into precious metals contracts.

Note that beginning January 1, 2022 the largest banks are required to calculate their derivative exposure amount for regulatory capital purposes using the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR). Under SA-CCR gold derivatives are considered precious metals derivative contracts rather than an exchange rate derivative contract, resulting in an increase in reported precious metals derivative contracts compared with prior quarters. Refer to the call report instructions and OCC Bulletin 2020-7, “Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk: Final Rule, “for additional information on the SA-CCR exposure calculation.


Gold: 2008 vs. 2024 Fibonacci

On October 12, 2024 it was noted that a move up in gold will have to wait. This is based on the completion of a 2016 to 2024 three peak Non Commercial futures trading sequence. In addition to this the 2008 chart structure is similar to the current 2024 chart Fibonacci sequence. At this point a decline is expected in 2025.

Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.

Charts courtesy of



Gold: Futures Trader Positions

On September 17, 2024 it was noted that after four years of economic stimulus packages gold was expected to move higher. A detailed review of Non-Commercial Gold Futures Trader positions revealed that, at this point, a move up will have to wait. Gold is currently in the process of completing a 2016 to 2024 three peak Non Commercial futures trading sequence (Points 4, 5 and 6) shown below. This sequence is similar to what occurred between 2009 and 2011. After 2011 a decline continued until 2020 when economic stimulus packages were once again issued to bail out the economy.

Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.

Gold charts courtesy of


Gold: 2024 Q2 Derivative Contracts

On September 24, 2024, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Quarterly Report on Bank Trading Activity and Derivatives Activities.  Figure 18 on PDF page 42 shows precious metals derivative contracts held by Insured U.S. Commercial Banks and Savings Associations. The banks continue to move into precious metals contracts.

Note that beginning January 1, 2022 the largest banks were required to calculate their derivative exposure amount for regulatory capital purposes using the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR). Gold derivatives were considered precious metals derivative contracts rather than an exchange rate derivative contract, resulting in an increase in reported precious metals derivative contracts compared.

Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.


Gold: To Go Parabolic

On July 10, 2024 it was noted that the current gold pattern was similar to that of the late 1970s. After four years of economic stimulus packages gold will move higher. The reason for this rise was explained in the Silver Ascending Triangle article posted on December 24, 2022. This move upward is expected to go parabolic, as it did in 1979.


Note that this information is for educational purposes only and not a recommendation.

Charts courtesy of


2020 – 2024

1975 – 1979


Gold: Signal Dates

On June 2, 2024, it was noted that structural calculations revealed gold was in a position similar to where it was on March 11, 2020. In addition to this, a review of separate volume related interface calculations indicate a move upward is still expected. Signal dates from this review include March 31, 2020, September 16, 2021, April 22, 2024, and June 7, 2024.

Charts courtesy of


Gold: Trend Upward

On May 26, 2024 it was noted that gold’s relative value against the U.S. Dollar was in a position similar to where it was on May 4, 2010. In addition to this, daily Engrbytrade™ structural calculations show gold is in a position similar to where it was on March 11, 2020. A pullback is possible, but the trend upward is expected to remain intact in 2024.

Charts courtesy of


Gold: 2024 Angle Rise

On December 22, 2023 it was noted that daily Engrbytrade™ Gold/U.S Dollar derivative calculations have moved quickly in a direction that confirms gold is nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure. This is similar to what developed during 2008 and 2009. Gold’s recent move confirms a 2024 angle rise of 44.43 degrees. This is similar to the angle rise in 2009. Gold is still expected to conduct a move that is similar to what occurred between 2010 and 2011.

Charts courtesy of


Gold: Banks Precious Metal Contracts

On March 27, 2024, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Quarterly Report on Bank Trading Activity and Derivatives Activities.  Table 21 on PDF page 25 shows precious metals derivative contracts held by four major banks. This includes Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citibank and Bank of America. Figure 18 on PDF page 42 shows Notional Amounts of Precious Metal Contracts by Maturity for the 4th quarter of 2023. This move into precious metals by the banks continues to be consistent with data and chart structures discussed in the following Engrbytrade™ posts.

Gold: Long Term Ascending Triangle

Silver: Ascending Triangle

It should be noted that prior to January 1, 2022, gold derivatives were categorized with exchange rate derivative contracts rather than precious metals derivative contracts. This changed reported precious metals derivative contract values in 2022 and future years.


Gold: Silver Confirmation Move

On December 22, 2023 it was noted that daily Engrbytrade™ Gold/U.S Dollar derivative calculations moved quickly in a direction confirming gold was nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure that is similar to what was developed during 2008 and 2009. On February 18, 2024 it was noted that Engrbytrade™ Silver/U.S Dollar derivative calculations were moving in a direction confirming silver is nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure.

What is needed at this point is a silver confirmation move above its ascending triangle before both metals are expected to continue moving significantly higher.

Stock charts courtesy of


Gold: Banks Precious Metals

On December 13, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Quarterly Report on Bank Trading Activity and Derivatives Activities. The chart on page 42 of this report provides Notional Amounts of Precious Metal Contracts by Maturity related to insured U.S. Commercial Banks and Savings Institutions. Starting in 2022 banks dramatically increased their exposure to precious metals. A recent article written by Willem Middelkoop from the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum provides some perspective on central banks and the revival of gold.

This move into precious metals by the banks aligns with data and chart structures discussed in the following Engrbytrade™ posts.

Gold: Long Term Ascending Triangle

Silver: Ascending Triangle


Gold: BRICS 11

BRICS countries are duplicating Bretton Woods organizations similar to the World Bank and IMF. For over 15 years BRICS countries have been building the infrastructure needed to support a new global financial system tied to gold. There are another 18 nations waiting to join.


Dubai Precious Metals (DPMC) 2023 conference
November 21 – 22, 2023
Jim Rickards Keynote Address


Gold: Long Term Ascending Triangle

On June 25, 2023 it was noted that research would continue with other currencies to see if trader positioning is conducted prior to specific rally or decline events. On October 22, 2023 it was noted that the triple top formation by itself did not necessarily mean a decline was expected, but Engrbytrade™ futures trading data calculations were trending in a direction showing traders hedging their trades for a long term decline.

Since October 22, 2023, daily Engrbytrade™ Gold/U.S Dollar derivative calculations have moved quickly in a direction that confirms gold is nearing the completion of a long term ascending triangle structure that is similar to what was developed during 2008 and 2009, just prior to moving higher in 2010 and 2011. Based on current daily calculations there is a high probability gold will stay within its ascending triangle prior to moving to the upside.

Stock charts courtesy of


Gold/US Dollar: Indirect Signal

Daily engrbytrade™ Gold to U.S. Dollar calculations on December 6, 2023 gave an indirect signal that aligned with a stock market peak that is similar to what occurred on January 28, 2020 and November 23, 2021.  The declines noted below show what occurred after receiving the indirect Gold to U.S. Dollar signals on January 28, 2020 and November 23, 2021.

This observation also aligns with S&P500 traders positioning for a decline, as noted on November 20, 2023.

January 28, 2020 – March 23, 2020 decline = -35.27%
November 23, 2021 – October 13, 2022 decline = -16.125%

January 28, 2020 – March 23, 2020 decline = -22.92%
November 23, 2021 – October 13, 2022 decline = -32.33%

January 28, 2020 – March 23, 2020 decline = -31.71%
November 23, 2021 – October 13, 2022 decline = -21.76%

Stock chart courtesy of


Gold: Futures Trading Data

The current 2020-2023 gold chart structure shown below is what would typically be called a triple top formation. This by itself does not necessarily confirm that a decline is expected. The underlying futures trading data behind this structure is important. In September 2021 and October 2023 Engrbytrade™ futures trading data calculations show that traders have been positioning their trades with the expectation of a long term decline. Similar moves occurred in 2012, and 1994-1995 as identified by arrows in the charts below.

Stock charts courtesy of


Gold: Triple Top Decline

Engrbytrade™ intermarket futures trading data calculations indicate gold is expected to start moving lower.

A detailed review was conducted using British Pound futures trading data calculations between 2012 and 2023 in comparison to specific time frames when gold changed direction. The result of this review revealed futures trader’s positioned for a decline when gold moved into a specific value range against the British Pound. Three out of four decline signals occurred during gold’s completion of a triple top, as shown in the charts below. This same signal is not evident with the relative value of gold to the U.S. Dollar. There were no events identified where futures trader’s positioned for a rally. Research will continue with other currencies to see if trader positioning is conducted prior to specific rally or decline events.

Stock charts courtesy of


Gold/Dollar/Euro: Gold 2023 Decline

Intermarket futures trading data calculations indicate the U.S. Dollar, Euro and gold are in a structural position similar to where they were in October 2012. This configuration is expected to produce a drop in gold over several months as the U.S. Dollar and Euro move higher. The following charts illustrate this positioning.

Stock charts courtesy of


Gold/Silver: Long Term Value vs Dollar

A description of what would occur over the long term with gold and silver was provided on January 15, 2023. The following charts were developed to provide nominal values with some perspective on that discussion. There are times, such as October-November 2008 and September 2022, when metal values diverge away from the U.S. Dollar’s relative value resulting in an undervalued situation for metals. As noted on January 15, 2023, the next peak in gold and silver is expected to occur between November 2024 and May 2025. During that time, an overvalued situation for the metals should occur.


Economy/Gold/Silver: Cause and Effect

Inflation: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind – Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 4

Three economic rescue packages were signed between 1970 and 1971. What followed was a run up in silver prices until the first quarter of 1974. Three economic rescue packages were signed between 2020 and 2022. Based on history, the result will be another run up in gold and silver prices.

Economy/Gold/Silver: Impact of Congressional Spending

Silver prices could touch a 9-year high in 2023 — with a bigger upside than gold

Gold price backs off on rising dollar, but set for fifth weekly rise
