Silver: Deflationary Forces

Currency and silver calculations continue to indicate a decline in silver.  With the Federal Reserve’s discussion today of raising interest rates by the end of 2023, this confirms their intent to strengthen the U.S. Dollar.  It also aligns with a peak in the price of silver against the British Pound and Canadian Dollar, as discussed in the Silver post on May 16, 2021.  A repeat performance of October 2012 to December 2015 is expected where significant deflationary forces will drive the price of silver much lower over the next three years.


Silver: Trader Positions

Currency and silver calculations continue to indicate Commercial Futures Traders are positioned to take advantage of a decline in silver.  As a minimum, silver is expected to reach 19.42 by November 2021.  In addition to this, there is a 60% chance silver will have a repeat performance of the May-November 2008 decline based on Dow key events discussed in the May 12, 2021 post.  This is also based on the large number of Non-Commercial Futures traders long silver positions in place relative to its current value against the Dollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc, etc.  If these positions stay in place or increase, a decline to 8.32 would be expected by November 2021.


Silver: Short Positions Update

The short term silver price structure from June 28, 2011 to September 13, 2011 is similar to the price structure from November 30, 2020 to March 9, 2021. Commercial Futures Traders silver short positions on March 9, 2021 were 8% higher than they were on September 13, 2011.  This post updates the March 7, 2021 entry (Silver: Short Positions) to indicate Commercial Traders are positioning for a decline in silver this month that is expected to hit 19.48, by March 30, 2021 (+/- 1 trading day).


Silver: Short Positions

Current structural calculations indicate Commercial Traders are positioning for a decline in silver this month that is expected to hit 19.48 by March 23, 2021.  A long term decline in silver is planned based on the significant number of short positions held by Commercial Traders. The U.S. Dollar is expected to move higher over the next two years and drive metal prices lower.


Silver: Decline Extended

During the short squeeze in silver between January 28, 2021 and February 1, 2021, it appears Market Makers sold a significant number of shares to retail investors rushing in to buy silver derivatives such as SLV. Commercial Futures Traders short positions remained relatively unchanged.  This short squeeze is expected to extend the decline previously planned for silver. Adjustments in the engrbytrade silver model indicate a move to 13.93 is expected by August 25, 2021.


Silver: Short Squeeze

The rally in silver today was expected as exchange insiders sold short to retail investors rushing in to buy silver. This short squeeze, discussed in the following article, is a move designed to drop the price of silver during the first half of 2021. Commercial Traders will continue to hold a significant number of short positions.  A move to 12.33 is expected by June 2021.

 Is The Reddit Rebellion About To Descend On The Precious Metals Market?


Silver: Decline Expected

The expectation that Silver will decline has not changed.  Commercial Futures Traders still hold significant short positions while retail customers continue to purchase long positions.  Silver will need to decline in order to be in alignment with the value of global currencies.  Silver is still expected to reach 16.50 (+/-3%) by February 11, 2021.


Silver: Descending Triangle

High level structural patterns indicate a sharp decline in silver is expected during December, 2020.  On November 21, 2020, it was noted that silver would reach a low of 16.50 (+/-3%) by December 23, 2020.  A sharp decline below the Descending Triangle lower horizontal line (as shown below) is consistent with this 16.50 projection.  Based on a 16.50 silver price in December, as well as global demand, $50 is expected in 2021. Additional research will be needed to project a specific timeline.

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