Gold: Long Term Move

Long term calculations indicate gold is on track to continue moving significantly higher going into 2021.  It is expected to reach a peak of 4000 (+/- 2.5%) during the first quarter of 2021.

As the price of gold continues to move upward, the Federal Reserve will realize that inflation has started moving exponentially higher and will not respond to their short-term actions.  This will force the Fed to raise interest rates to extremely high levels, resulting in a collapse of the bond market.


Gold: Brief Decline

As expected, Commercial Futures Traders have adjusted their positions in preparation for a brief decline going into July 6, 2020 (+/-1 trading day) where gold is expected to reach a price target of 1639 (+/- 1%) prior to moving above 1765.  After reaching 1639, a long term move will start and ultimately reach a peak of 4000 (+/- 2.5%) during the first quarter of 2021.


Gold: Next Turning Point

At this point gold should fluctuate within a range of 1727 to 1639 until the first week of July.  The current structure and acceleration rate indicates a turning point should occur on July 6, 2020 (+/-1 trading day) where gold is expected to reach a price target of 1639 (+/- 1%) prior to moving above 1765.  Preliminary calculations also indicate the gold timeline has been compressed significantly with a parabolic move starting slowly after July 2020 and reaching a peak of 4000 (+/- 2.5%) during the first quarter of 2021.


Gold: Precious Metal Shortage

Based on Commercial Trader actions, gold is expected to have a brief pullback in May.  This will be followed by a steady climb to $2450 (+/- 3%) by mid-summer where it will pause before moving higher into 2021. Initial estimates show gold reaching $4000 by the first quarter of 2021.  Watch for shortages of gold and silver.
See: COVID-19 mining shutdowns


Gold and Silver: 2020

The latest engrbytrade gold and silver model pricing timelines are decreasing at a rapid rate as the Federal Reserve continues to inject trillions of dollars into the financial system.  The Federal Reserve has chosen a path that will force hard asset prices to move significantly higher by mid-2020. The first level expected for gold is in the $2450 range and silver in the $100 range. Volatility will increase as demand for gold and silver accelerates.


Gold: Under Accumulation

Commercial Traders have been accumulating gold through a series of declines since 2015. Another decline is expected during April – May 2020 and will provide Commercial Traders with the opportunity to continue their long-term gold accumulation process.  Current calculations indicate this decline is expected to take gold down to the 1287 level before moving beyond 1700.



Gold: Constructing a Foundation

On March 15, 2020, it was noted below that Commercial Traders pushed gold quickly to the downside on March 12-13, 2020 to reach a closing price of $1529.75. Gold stayed within in a nominal range of 1460 to 1560 for six trading days before moving up quickly in the futures market to a level of 1699.15 at 7:53 p.m. on March 24, 2020. This move is in alignment with a review of price structures covering the last twelve months that indicate a very large foundation is being constructed for gold.  This structural work is required to take the price of gold to a level five times higher than what is currently listed on the exchanges.  A preliminary timeline estimate for this project is three to four years.  In the interim, you will see unusually high volatility with events such as the latest rush to buy when prices are decoupling between paper and physical markets.


Gold: Early Decline

Commercial Traders pushed gold to the downside on March 12-13, 2020 to reach a closing price of $1529.75.  This move was previously expected to be complete by the first week of April, as noted on February 29, 2020.  Gold is now expected to return to $1690 (+/-2%) by April 17, 2020 in preparation for a move to the $2,100 range by November, 2020.  Long term preliminary calculations show gold should reach $4000 by January 2022.  Volatility will increase as the price moves higher.


Gold: 2/29/20 Update

Commercial Traders came within 3% of the projected $1720 with a daily high of $1659 on February 24, 2020. Based on gold sales used to cover stock market margin calls and Commercial Traders gold short positions, a decline in gold is expected to align with the Dow’s decline going into the first week of April. After this decline, gold is expected to continue its move to higher levels.


Gold: 2/22/20 Update

Commercial traders accelerated their schedule with a closing gold price of 1619.63 on February 21, 2020. Based on the current engrbytrade gold model structure estimate, gold is on a trajectory to rise rapidly in 2021 resulting in a peak that is projected to reach $4,600 by the first quarter of 2022. This accelerated pace indicates Commercial Traders will drive prices exponentially higher as time progresses and the peak projected in 2022 will need to move higher. As of February 22, 2020, the gold price points shown below are expected in 2020. Adjustments will be made as needed to align with Commercial Trader activity and increasing volatility.

$1720 : April 23, 2020
$1630 : May 11, 2020
$1830 : August, 12, 2020
$1600 : September 21, 2020
$1890 : December 31, 2020


Gold: Trading Range Low

As noted on 1/6/20, gold hit the $1570 mark on January 5, 2020 at 6.01 p.m. (EST) and was on a path to move sideways in a relatively narrow trading range until mid-February before moving higher into mid-August. On February 4, 2020 Commercial Traders accelerated their schedule by dropping gold $23.83 to 1552.91, near the low end of its short term trading range. Today (February 5, 2020), the engrbytrade gold trading model indicates gold is expected to stay within 1% of the February 4, 2020 closing price before moving up to $1750 by March 19, 2020 (+/- 1 day).

Gold & Silver Trend

Palladium is providing a preview of what will occur with Gold and Silver. On August 16, 2018 palladium hit a low of 815.20 and is currently above 2300. Recent structures in palladium, gold and silver indicate the acceleration rates for gold and silver will continue to increase. By April 2021, this will place gold near the $4600 mark while silver peaks near $89. Gold is still expected to move sideways in a relatively narrow trading range until mid to late February before moving higher.


Gold’s Current Structure

The current gold price structure was identified based on calculations showing Commercial Futures Traders plans to move prices much higher over the next several years. Preliminary calculations indicate the structural design and acceleration rate of its price should move the value over $4000 before December 2021.  Note that forecast adjustments will be made as needed to compensate for Commercial Traders actions during this move up to 2021. In addition to expectations for 2021, work is in progress to confirm a significantly higher price that is projected for 2028.