Gold: Decline Expected

Gold spiked on February 24, 2022 with a high of 1974.04 leaving a long upper shadow candlestick formation. Intermarket futures trading data and structural calculations indicate gold is in the process of starting a decline that is expected to be similar to that of April 11, 2018 to August 16, 2018. Preliminary calculations show a drop to 1399 is expected.


Gold: 2008 Chart Structure

Gold vs. dollar structural data calculations indicate gold is repeating the March 2008 to November 2008 chart structure on a much longer time frame during 2020 and 2021. The current structure started on August 7, 2020 with a high of 2075.11. As of July 23, 2021 gold reflects a similar structural position to where it was on July 28, 2008. This was just prior to the stock market collapse in 2008.  Gold is expected to be extremely volatile during the last half of 2021 as it moves lower between July 2021 and November 2021.  A price level of 1435 is expected by November 2021 before moving higher.


Gold: Deflationary Forces

On June 8, 2021 it was noted that a move up in gold to 1942.50 was expected prior to turning lower.  With the Federal Reserve’s discussion today of raising interest rates by the end of 2023, this confirms their intent to strengthen the U.S. Dollar.  It also aligns with a peak in the price of gold against the British Pound and Canadian Dollar, as discussed in the Gold post on June 5, 2021.  At this point gold is expected to have a repeat performance of October 2012 to December 2015 where significant deflationary forces will drive the price of gold much lower over the next three years.


Gold: Position of Gold

On May 25, 2021 it was noted that the position of gold against its current relative value with the U.S. Dollar was part of a calculation indicating a decline in gold is expected. In addition to the U.S. Dollar calculation, the position of gold to the British Pound and Canadian Dollar are now showing a 90% chance that gold will decline.  The last time this occurred was in September 2012.


Gold: 2011-2021

Chart courtesy of

Additional data indicates a decline in gold is expected after reaching the 61.8% retracement level shown in the weekly chart above.  This is based on calculations showing: 1) Commercial Traders positioning for a decline, 2) Non-Commercial Traders accumulating significant long positions as well as their sentiment that gold prices will continue much higher, and 3) the position of gold against its current relative value with the U.S. Dollar.  This also aligns with the post on May 22, 2021 noting that the Dollar is being positioned for a move higher in 2021.


Gold: Short Positions

As with silver, calculations continue to indicate Commercial Futures Traders hold significant gold short positions with the expectation of a decline.  There is a 60% chance gold will have a repeat performance of the May-November 2008 decline based on Dow key events discussed in the May 12, 2021 post.  Using the 2008 decline model would take gold down to 1424 (+/- 1%) prior to moving higher as it did between 2009 and 2011.


Gold: Current Price Structure

The current daily price chart structure developed between August 7, 2020 and March 18, 2021 is 2.52 times longer in duration than a similar structure that was constructed between August 26, 2019 and November 20, 2019. Based on futures trader positions and expectation of a sharp decline in the Dow by May 5, 2021, gold is expected to follow the pattern of the 2019 price structure.  A move up to 1950 prior to dropping to 1517 (+/-2%) would align with the March 3, 2021 post.


Gold: Long Term Trend

Stock chart courtesy of

The chart above provides some perspective on long term projections for gold.  Commercial Trader positions indicate they are in the process of moving gold down to the red trend line.  A decline below 1517 (+/- 2%) is still expected.  Based on underlying futures trader positions, long term calculations indicate the current trend is expected to be a repeat performance of 2000 to 2011. Note that the trend lines start in the early 1800’s.


Gold: Long Term

Stock charts courtesy of

Underlying gold trader positions along a 30 year timeline indicate futures traders are adjusting their positions at a faster pace than what occurred between October 1999 and April 2001.  The falling wedge formation shown above provides an illustration that a long term low is near. The decline discussed on February 6, 2021 is still expected to occur and should be brief, as it was on February 16, 2001, prior to moving significantly higher over the long term.



Gold: Significant Short Positions

Commercial Futures Traders still hold significant short positions in gold, and in concert with the media, have driven retail customers into acquiring significant long positions just as they did in mid-2016. While gold prices drop to align with global currencies, retail investors will find their profits evaporate quickly.   A decline to 1517 (+/- 2%) is still expected by February 16, 2021 (+/- 1 trading day).


Gold: Gold Structure

On January 6, 2021 Commercial Futures Traders completed a gold structure similar to what occurred between June 11, 2016 and November 9, 2016 as Market Makers continue selling short and distributing gold shares to retail investors.  A decline to 1517 (+/- 2%) is expected by February 16, 2021 (+/- 1 trading day).  Upon completion of this decline, a steady move upward is expected to occur between 2021 and 2025 based on structural relationships with Commercial Trader positions in long term bonds.


Gold: Decline in Gold

The expectation for a decline in gold has not changed.  Market Makers continue to sell short and distribute gold shares to retail investors in preparation for this decline.  Commercial Futures Traders are currently positioned for a decline in gold with a price target of 1517 (+/- 2%) by February 11, 2021.  Upon completion of this decline, a steady move upward is expected to occur between 2021 and 2025 based on structural relationships with Commercial Trader positions in long term bonds.


Gold: U.S. Dollar Alignment

Commercial Traders are developing a structure that will bring Gold back into alignment with the U.S. Dollar.  A decline in gold is expected to start by November 2, 2020 (+/-1 trading day) and reach a price level of 1650 (+/- 10%) prior to moving higher.  As the U.S. Dollar moves higher, currencies such as the Euro, Australian Dollar, British Pound, and Canadian Dollar are expected to decline.
